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Checklist item Actions

You can per checklist item configure a set of actions that the user can choose to use.

To configure an action you need to set some or all of these properties

Name Type Description
Title string The name/text that the user see when using the action
Type option What type of action that you want. You can see them here
Action string Depending on the Type of action you configure this is used a little differently
Font Awesome Icon string What icon to use in the Desktop client
Icons8 Icon name string What icon to use in the Web client

Description of Action types

Action Type What does Action contain Description Works in Web client? Works in Desktop client?
Desktop Email Template Name of template (template manager) Renders a email template from the template manager in desktop and opens it - Yes
Desktop Document Template Name of template (template manager) Render and saves a document from the template manager in desktop and opens it - Yes
Custom VBA Name of VBA Sub MyModule.MySub Executes the given Sub/Function in VBA - Yes
External Link Link/path to file to open Executes the given link Yes Yes
Web Document Template Name of template (limepkg-document-templates) Renders and saves a document template from the web and opens the document card Yes -
Webclient Command CommandId to run Executes the given commandId Yes -
Create Related Object Relation to create object in Opens a "Create new dialog" of the given relation Yes -

Example of Actions

Run a webclient action

The command needs specific properties. Below you can see an example.

Data provided to the command

Name Type Description
item ChecklistItemTemplate Containing all information about the item the actions was on
userAction ChecklistUserAction Containing all information about the userAction the user used
context LimeWebComponentContext The context the user was on while using the action limetype and id of the limeobject

How to create a command for the checklist

First make sure that you have a frontend folder in your package or solution, if not, you need to create it using lime-project.

Run the command lime-project generate command <command id to create> to create a new command.

This will generate <your-id>.command.ts (command file) and <your-id>.handler.ts (handler file)

You can read more about commands here

Command file

Example here

In the command file you add what properties your command takes (Put it as variables in the generated class).

So you'll need to add the following:

Unfortunately you can't access the interfaces of the checklist in your solution or package so you'll need to define them yourself or use the any type.

    item: any; // ChecklistItemTemplate;
    userAction: any; // ChecklistUserAction;
    context: LimeWebComponentContext;
Handler file

Example here

You then implement the handler, basically what your command will do. You can provide a constructor to the class where you in the loader can send the wanted services you'll need. In the example you can see:

  • HttpService
  • NotificationService
  • RouteService

You have a function called handle that takes the command as a parameter and will be executed when the user uses your action.

Loader function

Example here

For your command to be available for the web client, you need to register the command in the loader class of your package/solution. This will be generated when you first create your frontend using lime-project. You can find it under solution_or_package/frontend/src/components/lwc-solution_or_package_name-loader/

In the function componentWillLoad you can register this. The best is to create a private function in the class that you call so it's easier to read. (See the example below)

Example command that closes an helpdesk that create a new deal and redirects the user to the new deal

Example command file
    id: "limepkg_dynamic_checklist.checklist-create-deal",
export class ChecklistCreateDealCommand {
    item: ChecklistItemTemplate;
    userAction: ChecklistUserAction;
    context: LimeWebComponentContext;
Example handler file
import {
} from "@limetech/lime-web-components-interfaces";
import { ChecklistCreateDealCommand } from "./checklist-create-deal.command";

export class ChecklistCreateDealHandler implements CommandHandler {
        protected httpService: HttpService,
        protected notificationService: NotificationService,
        protected routeService: RouteService
    ) {}

    public async handle(command: ChecklistCreateDealCommand): Promise<void> {
        try {
            const deal = await this.createNewDeal(command);
            await this.closeHelpdesk(command);

            this.routeService.limeObject("deal", deal._id);
        } catch (ex) {
                "Something went wrong while creating the deal..."

    private async createNewDeal(command: ChecklistCreateDealCommand) {
        const currentLimeobject = await this.httpService.get(

        const deal = await"api/v1/limeobject/deal/", {
            name: `My deal from: ${command.item.title} using action ${command.userAction.title}`,
            value: 1337,
        return deal;

    private async closeHelpdesk(command: ChecklistCreateDealCommand) {
        return await this.httpService.put(
                helpdeskstatus: "done",
Example loader file
import {
} from "@limetech/lime-web-components-interfaces";
import { Component, Prop } from "@stencil/core";
import { ChecklistCreateDealCommand } from "../../commands/checklist-create-deal/checklist-create-deal.command";
import { ChecklistCreateDealHandler } from "../../commands/checklist-create-deal/checklist-create-deal.handler";

// NOTE: Do NOT remove this component, it is required to run the plugin correctly.
// However, if your plugin has any code that should run only once when the application
// starts, you are free to use the component lifecycle methods below to do so.
// The component should never render anything, so do NOT implement a render method.

    tag: "lwc-limepkg-dynamic-checklist-loader",
    shadow: true,
export class Loader implements LimePluginLoader {
    public platform: LimeWebComponentPlatform;

    public context: LimeWebComponentContext;

    // eslint-disable-next-line @stencil/own-methods-must-be-private
    public componentWillLoad() {

    // eslint-disable-next-line @stencil/own-methods-must-be-private
    public componentDidUnload() {}

    // eslint-disable-next-line @stencil/own-methods-must-be-private
    public componentWillUpdate() {}

    private registerChecklistCommand() {
        const commandBusService: CommandBusService = this.platform.get(
        const myHandler = new ChecklistCreateDealHandler(
        commandBusService.register(ChecklistCreateDealCommand, myHandler);